  • 08 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

In SkyDeck, a Snapshot captures the state of a site on the date of a specific survey. You can create a new Snapshot corresponding to a survey date and upload collected data for further processing, including generating detailed models and running analyses. All data and insights from these surveys are saved and accessible within the Snapshots. This feature acts as a time machine, enabling you to revisit past surveys and track the transformation of your site over time. Snapshots provide a valuable tool for monitoring site evolution and identifying trends in site development

This article covers the following features:

Creating a Snapshot

  1. To create a snapshot click on the Create Snapshot button on the top right.

    For a Site without any Snapshots click on the Create New Snapshot option located on left side.

    Create Snapshot

  2. Enter or select the following information for the create snapshot pop-up:




Enter the name for the snapshot.


Select the date of creating the snapshot.


Describe the purpose of the snapshot.

Choose Type

Choose the type of data you want to use with this snapshot. These options can be changes at any time from the Datasets page.

  1. Click Create. The snapshot is created and added to the site’s timeline

Navigating between snapshots

The mission timeline is used to navigate between different snapshots within a Site. Left-click on the Snapshot Date on the Mission History timeline to enter that Snapshot.

Mission timeline

There are 2 types of snapshots on SkyDeck:

  • User created: These are the snapshots manually created by a user. This is represented by a user icon.

  • Via a Mission: These are snapshots that are automatically created on execution of a mission on SkyDeck. The data from the mission is automatically uploaded to this snapshot. This is represented by a drone icon.

Types of snapshots

Modifying a Snapshot

You can update the Snapshot detail from the Datasets page of the Snapshot.

  1. Click on the Datasets button on top right.

  2. Make sure the correct snapshot date is selected in the drop-down on top left and click on the expand option to view Snapshot details.

    Snapshot details

  3. Click on the pencil option to edit the snapshot details

Edit snapshot details
  1. Edit Snapshot pop-up is displayed. You can modify the required details and click on the Edit option to save the changes.

Deleting a Snapshot

  1. Navigate to the datasets page of the snapshot that you want to delete.

  2. Click on the expand option on top right to view Snapshot details

  3. Click on the Delete Snapshot option in the Snapshot details pop-up to delete the snapshot.

    Delete snapshot details


The datasets page in SkyDeck is a dedicated space for uploading and managing data within a snapshot. Here, you can access all the data uploaded or created for a specific snapshot, including Raw images, 2D, 3D, Vector, and Video datasets. The datasets page enables you to perform various actions such as uploading new files, editing existing data, and deleting files as needed. This centralized place streamlines all the data handling and organization within each snapshot.

Datasets page
  1. Each Snapshot has its own dedicated datasets page. You can switch to the datasets of a particular snapshot by selecting the Snapshot Date from the drop-down on top left.

  2. For efficient organization of different types of data, the page is divided into 5 categories:

    1. Raw Images

    2. 2D Layer

    3. 3D Layer

    4. Overlays

    5. Videos

  3. The 2D and 3D Layers are further classified into specific data model types.

    1. 2D: Orthophoto, Surface Model, Terrain Model, Others

    2. 3D: Textured Mesh, Point Cloud

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